Reducing Dog Shedding and Keeping Your Home Clean

We love our fur babies, just maybe not all that fur! 

Does your house dog leave a trail of hair everywhere they go? We’ve put together some tips on keeping your house clean so you can rock those black pants (fur free) again. 


Dog shedding

1. Vacuum

We hate vacuuming as much as you do but with house pets it is a necessary evil. We recommend running the main vacuum through the rooms and grab a hand vacuum or use a hand held extension of your vacuum for your furniture. Another option would be to try a robot vacuum. No, this isn’t the cheapest option, but it’s amazing what a daily run through the house will do for that dog hair that has collected in all the nooks and crannies. We’ve seen the robot vacuums as cheap as $150 for a highly rated vacuum. Plus, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so maybe you can drop some hints to your significant other. 


2. Grooming

There are tons of dog hair combs out there that will help remove that undercoat. Find one that works for your budget and your pet’s needs and give it a shot. Plus, many dogs think it feels good, so win-win! If your budget allows, take them to a groomer regularly to help keep their hair nice and healthy. 


3. Keep Them From Scratching

Fleas, ticks, dry skin, etc. all cause your pup to scratch and with that comes chunks of dog hair removed by their sweet little paws. Keep them clean, conditioned, and try some flea control remedies to help maintain skin and coat health. 


4. Cover Your Furniture

Having guests over? Lay some throws or blankets over your couches and chairs that may have collected dog hair. This will help mask the odor and the dog hair that house pets inevitably leave behind. 


5. Let Them Outside More

If it works for your home, try letting your dog stay outside in the yard more often as weather permits. Aside from other health benefits, more time spent outside means less time spent shedding in your house. 


6. Give Them Their Own Zone

Whether it’s a spare room, a laundry room, enclosed porch, or whatever makes sense for you, try keeping your pup in their zone for a few hours or overnight while they’re in the house. Instead of closing them in with a door, try using a baby gate to close off a portion of your house. By doing this you can still interact with your four legged friend and they can see what’s going on. If you go this route, we recommend giving them a treat or a bone when you close them in so they don’t think they’re in trouble and can associate it with a positive experience. 


7. Make Sure They Have The Right Nutrition

Coat and skin health is directly related to a dog’s diet - much like a human’s hair and skin is healthier when we take our vitamins and eat healthy. Make sure your dog is on a healthy dog food made with wholesome ingredients. For a natural, organic source of vitamins and nutrients, try Arnall’s Total Canine. Total Canine is packed with vitamins, minerals and herbs that are known to assist with coat health, skin health, and help with underlying skin conditions.

Arnalls Total Canine


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